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Gaining Back Time: Chloe’s Swift School Transformation

Third grader Chloe C. didn’t understand the purpose of school before arriving at a place known as Swift School, the name of the school honoring its founder, Gail Swift.

“According to Chloe’s mother Stephanie, “Chloe was not learning anything [before Swift]. Reading and writing were tiring and frustrating for her. “Chloe could sound out a word on one page, and if it was on the next page, she didn’t recognize it.”

Not only did doing homework take up all of Chloe’s nights and weekends, it consumed her parents’ time too - helping her to organize her work and badgering her to do it. Forget about participating in any extracurricular activities. There was no time left over once Chloe completed her homework.

Chloe found a love for volleyball

Chloe came to Swift School in fourth grade and stayed through sixth grade.

“After I came to Swift, I understood why school was important and how it benefited me in every way,” she recalled. “The teachers believed in me and told me I could do anything. They didn’t give up on me, even when I wanted to give up on myself.”

Improving her reading and writing skills was only the start of what Chloe accomplished at Swift. She also gained confidence, critical organizational skills, and the knowledge that it was ok to ask for help. Chloe learned to speak up, to self-advocate when a particular teaching method did not suit her needs or when she needed more instruction to solidify a concept.

The unexpected benefit of all this was that she—and her family—got their time back. Chloe joined a swim team, which Stephanie said would not have been possible before Swift. “Not spending my weekends hovering over Chloe asking her to get her homework done, one word at a time, was one of the best things that happened for us,” she stated

The lessons Chloe learned continue to benefit her today.

“I can balance schoolwork with extracurricular activities and spend time with friends and family without being overworked,” Chloe noted. Her mother expanded on Chloe’s point, saying, “Swift taught her organizational skills, and she can prioritize, complete her homework, and study for tests without me.”

After a transformation at Swift School and successful remediation, Stephanie encourages all parents who are seeking a school for their dyslexic child to enroll them at Swift School.

“Sending your child to Swift is worth it to give them the tools to have more control of their school life and get a chance to feel proud of themselves. Chloe gained the confidence to learn anything and do anything while she was at Swift.”

-Stephanie, Chloe's mother

To explore how Swift School can provide a transformative educational experience for your child, visit our admissions page.
